Buffalo Economic Improvement Corp

The purpose for which the Buffalo Economic Improvement Corporation (BEIC) is organized is to further the economic development of the community of Buffalo, North Dakota.

The BEIC supports our community by hosting a yearly raffle for the Buffalo Food Market.

2024 BEIC Raffle benefiting the Buffalo Food Market daily winners

May 1st $50 Liane Stout
May 2nd $50 Robert Chief
May 3rd $50 Ray Lawson
May 4th $100 Emma Burchill
May 6th $50 Collin Larsen
May 7th $50 Jess Liebelt
May 8th $50 Angie Kossan
May 9th $50 Melissa Hurt
May 10th $50 Joanne Wetch
May 11th $100 Ann Fraase
May 13th $50 Kevin Skoog
May 14th $50 Ardyce Huber
May 15th $50 Tracie Zaun
May 16th $50 Anna Berger
May 17th $50 Joanne Wetch
May 18th $100 Brian Hovland
May 20th $50 Ray Lawson
May 21st $50 Nixon Neubauer
May 22nd $50 Tammy Erickson
May 23rd $50 Dan Anderson
May 24th $50 Bruce Leiseth
May 25th $100 Kev Baasch
May 28th $50 Bonnie Loomer
May 29th $50 Corey Tabor
May 30th $50 Ron Fraase
May 31st $250 Brayden Erickson


Group Members

Tiana Henry

Carolyn Dostert

Kayla Lawson

Ashley Kossan