
Listed below are local places of worship in the City of Buffalo. If your religious location is not listed and you would like for it to be included on this website, simply give us a call and we will be happy to add it to the list below.

St Thomas Catholic Church

Mass Times

8:30 AM Mass: 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays
10:30 AM Mass: 2nd and 4th Sundays
Weekday Mass at 9 AM Thursdays (subject to change).


Confessions may be said before Mass. Christmas and Easter seasons are communal.

Parish Council:

Finance - Larry Zaun
Education - Joni Biggers and Jackie Vavra
Liturgy - 
Social Concerns - 

Buffalo Lutheran Church

Please click here to visit the St. Paul & Buffalo Lutheran Church website link for all current information. 



First Presbyterian Churchs of Buffalo




The Presbyterian Churches of Buffalo and Tower City are currently served by Pastor Brian Hazard.

Address:  204 Bush Ave North
Phone:    (701) 633-5215
Worship:  10:00 AM Every Sunday

 For questions, contact Tammy at: [email protected]

Session Members:

  •  Caroloyn Pfeifer
  •  Cathy Sullivan
  •  Jim Wilcox
  •  Hal Grieve
  •  Colleen Buhr


a church

Everyone is Welcome...


St. Thomas Catholic Church
401 3rd St N
Buffalo, ND 58011

Buffalo Lutheran Church
505 3rd St N
Buffalo, ND 58011
View Website

First Presbyterian Church
204 Bush Ave North
Buffalo, ND 58011